Choosing the Perfect Hair Color

When it comes to switching up your hair color, it's important to consider the tone you want to achieve. To make an informed decision, it's helpful to understand the color wheel and how your skin tone interacts with different hair colors.

Understanding Tonal Ranges

There are three tonal ranges to consider when choosing a hair color: cool, neutral, and warm. Each range has its own unique characteristics that can complement or enhance your skin tone. The right hair color can make your features pop or create a harmonious blend with your complexion.

Determining Your Skin Tone

To determine your skin tone, it's essential to take a closer look at your undertones. Cool-toned skin typically has hints of blue or olive, while warm-toned skin has underlying yellow or golden hues. Neutral tones work well for a wide range of skin tones as they neither pull too warm nor too cool.

Avoiding Washed-Out Looks

To avoid looking washed out, it's generally best to avoid hair colors that match your skin tone too closely. This can make your overall appearance appear dull or lifeless. Instead, opt for hair colors that contrast with your skin tone, creating a vibrant and healthy glow.

The Vein Test

A quick trick to determine your skin tone is to examine the veins near your wrist. If they appear blue or purple, you likely have a cool skin tone. If they have a greenish hue, your skin tone is warm. Once you've identified your skin tone, you can choose a hair color that complements it by selecting the opposite tone. For example, if you have fair skin with cool undertones, warmer hair colors like honey or copper can add warmth and radiance.

Seeking Professional Guidance

Choosing the perfect hair color to bring out your eyes or enhance your complexion can be challenging. At M Salon, our experienced professionals are here to guide you through the process. We'll help you select a color that suits your skin tone and achieves your desired look, ensuring a beautiful and harmonious end result.

By understanding the color wheel and considering your skin tone, you can confidently choose a hair color that enhances your natural beauty and leaves you feeling fabulous. Trust the expertise of our salon professionals to help you achieve the perfect look.